
Easdale Island, Firth of Lorne

Easdale Island is a special place for me. Having discovered it a few years ago, my fiancée and I have returned frequently to stay and it’s become a real favourite place of ours. Being the centre of the Scottish slate mining industry, the island is dotted with several very deep quarries that have since backfilled with water. The former industrial sites are slowly being reclaimed by nature, and gives a really unique aesthetic and feel. With a small, friendly community it really is a special place. So special, that I finally got down on one knee and proposed while we were there in 2020!

This shot was taken on a very still day, during the golden hour. Known locally as the swimming quarry, the reflection of the quarry walls gave me the impression of an island within an island. The golden light set against the blue sky with just a touch of white reminds me of the surprising colour that can be found in this unusual place.